Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hit it!!

Ok, so it took a little longer than one week - actually, it took 10 days to drop 1.9 kg. Not bad.

The idea of eating properly, tiny portions, often, tons of water, and waiting for 30 minutes before deciding I need to eat more is really working. The whole thing about the brain needing 20 minutes to figure out the stomach is full really is true.

So I have a good, slow-carb breakfast (takes care of carb cravings - I know it's only as far as the next breakfast), drink lots and lots of green tea and water, eat a veg heavy lunch - again, small portion, and drink tons of water right after it, then wait. Around 3 pm is the hardest - when the lure of doughnuts is just so hard to resist. I have a diet soda stashed away when the craving gets too strong. It's sweet, fills me up, and gets me over the hump.

This way, by the end of the week I've usually dropped at least 1 to 1.5 kg - especially since I'm also sticking to at least 30 minutes of cardio every weekday, plus two sessions of weight training on the last two work days. Then .....


Which means: I don't exercise - may be go for a gentle walk or a run, but it's not a must. I eat what I want. ALL that I want (I once went through a dozen doughnuts, but still went back to the end of week weight). I guess this thing about resetting your metabolism once a week really works - because when I go back to the week day regime, my weight keeps dropping. Yay.

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