Sunday, December 23, 2007

Where does the time go ... again

Ooops - I did again. Didn't get around to posting - again. Goodness, so much for practice new year's resolutions!

We're just back after a lovely 5-day break. I wish I could say we rushed out and did outdoorsy things, flew off to fab places and generally took advantage of the time.

We did do outdoorsy things (went to the beach), went off to fab places (5 malls in one day), and took advantage of the time by doing Andy Capp impersonations on our seven couches (my mother-in-law once counted them, but that's another story ...), and watches some really really bad movies :)

Highlight of the long weekend was getting new bikes for the kids - went far and wide to get them - hence the 5 malls in one day. We got them both mountain bikes, and just made it in time to drop off Lisa at the movies with her friend. Luca, Loris and I went off to eat at the Butcher shop (with pizza smuggled in from Pizza Hut for Luca), and ran into Hassan and Amina. What a lovely surprise that was! We had a nice a relaxed lunch - except for the part where Luca, eventually bored with all the adult chit-chat, started flicking sugar packets with his spoon ... loolll!!

Everyone went home, and I went back out to frantically get Xmas gifts for everyone ...

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Where does the time go

Here we are, more than two months later. Lots has happened:
- had surgery
- turned 45
- realized need to change something in my work situation
- hit my ideal weight

... so some good, some not so good. As is my usual thing, I begin the resolution-making on my birthday, so I have a good two week run of breaking before making them all over again on the 31st :). Here goes:
- lose weight
- get Naomi Campbell's thighs
- get closer to Loris
- leave work at 5
- do more stuff with the kids
- make 55k by summer

Monday, October 8, 2007

Major milestone reached

I have finally hit my goal of weighing 49 kg. This morning that's exactly 11that the scale said. And yesterday evening, right before breaking my fast, the scale stood at 48.9 - yay!

Unfortunately, Ramadan ends in a few days, and I'm worried I'll put the 3-4 kilos right back on :( One thing I have found really helps me is to lay off wheat. Not only do I think it's the culprit behind the insomnia, but also the bloating and messing with my intes

Monday, September 24, 2007

Duvet experiment fails

I contacted a hotel we stayed at recently to get the name of their bedding supplier. You see, it was the first time dh and I both were comfortable. I'm usually cold, and he's usually too warm, so finding the right cover has been a bit of challenge. And we've been married 9 years!

So I call the supplier, have this fabulous, right weight, full-down duvet delivered, get some new 300 thread sheets for good measure, and prepare for an amazing slumber.

8 hours of more tossing and turning later, we give. DH didn't want to say it, so I put him out of his misery and told him even I was too hot to sleep comfortably.

Final word: back to bedspread and extra blanket for me. Duvet will get shipped to our winter home .. :(

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Wheat, insomnia and other yukiness

Now I think I'm sure the reason I can't sleep is directly related to the amount wheat and dairy I consume. I tried it - stayed off wheat all week long, but Friday night couldn't resist that yummy Arrabbiata Cremosa. I was rewarded by waking up with a headache after tossing & turning all night ..

I can't believe I have to give up pasta. Perhaps just do them separately - wheat one day, dairy another day ...

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Birth certificate saga finally over

After 5 years and change, the whole story of mismatched birth record thing has finally been resolved. The court accepted the petition to legally change the date. Yay. I can continue to celebrate my birthday on the same day I always have ... :)

Friday, September 21, 2007

Gama Fitness

Here's another one I came across. Something to do with politically incorrect fitness. Hmmm. YouTube has some of the videos here

Bodyweight exercise

Is this really the answer I've been looking for? I'm running out of excuses for not training regularly.

  • First it was having no gym open early enough in the morning so I could it after work.
  • Then one opened in my home town that opened at 5. Now I decided that driving over to it (which took about 3.5 minutes) was too much hassle to do on a regular basis
  • Then we moved to a complex that had a gym at a 30 second walk from my front door.
Now I dont' know what excuse to have :( Then it hit me ... Bodyweight exercises!

Came across a wonderful site all about using your own bodyweight to achieve a lean, toned look.

I will plan on doing burpees and sprints to start with and see how many I can actually do in a day.

Finally beat procrastination

What is it about a non-technophobe that makes them the last to join the bare-it-all online revolution?

Frankly, it's more to do with keeping track of random thoughts, of which I am increasingly a victim, than telling all. Not that it is that interesting to ready anyway ..

Anyway, trumpets ..... here goes the first posting!!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Ayan's debut

Here the first of hopefully many posts on Ayan's adventures

Technical question

The question was about simulation, and using simulators to test drive a potential career. Only thing is, the question came from a 7-year old.