Thursday, January 29, 2009

Foggy exterior, clear interior

The weather is foggy, my head is foggy from an on-coming bout of head cold, but inside, all is clear as a bell.

Foggy weather feels like new beginnings, a promise of things to come and all things excitingly unknown. Complacency has no place in my world today.

Achievement is always highest when determination outweighs the odds. Determination is totally, entirely self-determined - what a concept. Just like the novel thought that we are responsible for absolutely everything that happens to us. Yes, we are. Stop the denial, and get busy designing and living the life of dreams.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Each dawn brings new resolve

Life changing moments should not be the only ones that cause re-examining and soul searching. Why should those moments - whilst waiting for test results or after a particularly bitter conflict with a co-worker / partner / friend - be the only triggers to decide to change our lives?

Why not make every morning a New Year's Day and resolve to live, as Oprah puts it, your best life?

So I hereby resolve :) to look at problems afresh each morning. That will be the new habit to cultivate.

Update on the other habit: day 9 of exercising each day. Not bad. According to my highly unreliable scale, I lost 3 grams of fat in the last 24 hours ... hey, baby steps :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Why wait?

I heard a wonderful thing during my run this morning: remember how we say 'one day we will look back on this and have a good laugh'?. Well, why wait for 'one day' ... why not look back and laugh now?

What a powerful concept. I will laughing a lot today :)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The quest continues

It must be possible to enjoy eating in moderation and still maintain a healthy weight. It is so depressing when you hear it is mostly nutrition. I am prepared (within reason) to work out and be as active as necessary. I just hate dieting or depriving myself.

It's a change of state and mentality, change of lifestyle - that's the party line. But I like my lifestyle as it is, thank you! And it is not as though I gorge on fat-laden, sugary junk food and wash it down with caffeinated soda at every turn .. In fact, I don't even like most of that stuff. Except Krispy Kreme donuts!!!

Anyway, the goal this week is to shed 2 kgs by Thursday. Yup, tall order. But I am so going to give it my best.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Another sleepless night

Followed by another turn-around moment - 3.4 km in 21:12 minutes - yay! If I keep it up for the 10 km, it means I have gone from 1:10 hours for the 10 km to 1:02 - not bad for two weeks training.

DH shared that I actually looked like runner today - I was making specific effort to lengthen my stride today, and it really paid off. I'm pleased :)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Yes - turned it around

Did a lunch time run yesterday - got my time for 3.4 km from 22:53 to 21:38!!! Wooohoooo!!!

Now, if I can just keep that time for 10k run on Friday ...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The cloud is back ...

... and I must chase it away. Though relatively well rested, and having conquered 5k at 34 minutes, the dark cloud was there this morning. Yuk.

Let's see if we can turn this day around:

- get some 20-30 minutes of cardio in before end of day
- control sugar intake - let's go for sugar-free gum providing the only sweetness today
- achieve something: at least something in each sector of wheel of life
- get this medical thing over with ...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Posting via email

If this is going to be possible, then obviously all my troubles are over!!

Sleepless nights, productive days ... possible?

I'm here to tell you (and hopefully prove) that it is indeed possible. Just need to instruct the computer (brain) to control the peripherals (rest of me) to get it done. And we all know computers do exactly as they're told. That's the problem.

The more one thinks one is tired, hasn't slept, is miserable and how can I skip that day, the more the "computer" makes exactly that happen. Choosing to turn that around into positive experience, energy and movement starts with the mental acknowledgment that a change in "software" is needed: change the program.
- Shut down the tired and miserable (and don't send log to Microsoft :)
- Start up the passionate and engaged
- Follow through with energetic physical movement

Boy was it hard to do. But guess what? I did, and my energetic movement was a 3.5 km run at 6 am. What made it even harder was that it was so cold and windy outside.

The reward? Feeling good, energetic, and elated that I was able to overcome "tired and miserable", and that is all up to me to change the software .... :)

Monday, January 5, 2009

How did that happen?

That 3 kg came out of nowhere and straight onto my hips??? Christmas, brunches, dinners out, new year's ... blah blah blah. Still absolutely no excuse.

Guess I'll be wearing my fat suits to work for a while :(

On the positive side for 2009, I ran my first 10k - 70 minutes. Not too bad for a first attempt, but I better get faster before the 10k race on 16 Jan!!